Being with Jose Antonio Vargas is quite an honor, you know, quite an honor. Thank you for heaven's sake. Come on, with all due respect to leader Pelosi and Jose Antonio Vargas. I now know what it feels like to sit next to a rock star." - "Sitting next to Senator Durbin throughout the evening, there's been a parade of mostly dreamers who have just wanted to touch him, and it's amazing. You would think I was sitting next to Mick Jagger or something." - "Jose Antonio Vargas, Pulitzer Prize winner, a documentary filmmaker, an outspoken advocate on immigration reform, and a regular commentator on my favorite TV show Rachel Maddow." - "You know, when I first met Jose about two and a half years ago, it was actually prior to the time that he came out, prior to his writing of the New York Times Sunday magazine article, and he trusted a room full of potential allies to reveal his status." - "And I was worried for him. I was worried for him because there's never any confidence that one might have in the actions of vice and what might happen to individuals. But there was something about him that was clear to me, that there's no way that we're ever going to deport this individual. And I told him that that day." - "Over the last two and a half years, I've discovered several things about Jose. First of all, he's very sophisticated. He's detail-oriented. He's politically savvy. He's what I like to call a rebellious advocate." - "It's not so much rebelling against the institution of ICE or DHS, but it's rebelling against the way that one advocates. It's not a conventional type of advocacy that Jose uses. He uses everything that he can from filmmaking to social media to grassroots organizing to...
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Ilrc screening sheet Form: What You Should Know
LRC-Central Valley Sep 27, 2019: This will be the first LRC event to be held at the Center for Continuing Legal Education (CLA) in San Francisco. Come learn about immigration law and help others! CLA May 30, 2025 — If a client is applying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), be prepared for an LRC hearing. Learn about DACA — Eligibility for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program, the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DATA) and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — Family Unity Program (DACA-FAP). LRC-Central Valley Sep 27, 2025 — Screening Appointment Resources The LRC-Central Valley LGC, LRC-Central Valley's DACA grantee network, is accepting new client intake for 2018. Our aim is to provide accurate and comprehensive immigration advice to all non-immigrant clients. To schedule an appointment, please email us. The LRC-Central Valley LGC will not be hosting regular intake for the remainder of 2018. All clients who were enrolled at UCLA, USC-COUNTY or LUCK were eligible for an LRC/DATA and DACA at that time of their enrollment. If a client is currently ineligible for an LRC after graduating from UCLA, USC-COUNTY, or LUCK, we will accept the application materials and review them for completeness under an independent process. If we are not able to process an application, and we have received all the following supporting documentation, we will then forward a referral to the UC-SAC Diversity Office for further review: If we are unable to review and process your request, our office will be unable to assist with your pending application until the applicant has been granted a DACA. To be eligible for a DACA renewal, the documentation listed below must be submitted at the time of the application. Filling out an LRC Eligibility Form Please fill out this form and send it along to the LRC (Central Valley) in your office. You may also fax it by fax to.  Be sure to send it by U.S. Mail so that we may hold onto it. There is a 20 processing fee per application. We process and return all applications that reach this threshold within two weeks.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Ilrc screening sheet