There are certain types of crimes that, if convicted, can result in deportation or removal from the United States. There are five categories of deportable crimes that I will discuss in this video. The first category is crimes involving moral turpitude. These crimes harm another person or the social good. Examples include arson, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary, forgery, murder, and rape. You can find a complete list of these crimes on our website. Typically, one conviction for a crime of moral turpitude will not trigger deportation. However, two convictions arising from two different events or one conviction with a sentence of more than a year in custody within five years of your admission to the United States can lead to deportation. The second category is aggravated felonies, which are serious offenses such as murder, rape, child molestation, and theft crimes involving more than a year in custody. Conviction for an aggravated felony can result in deportation. The third category is drug crimes. This includes drug trafficking, drug selling, drug manufacturing, and simple possession of drugs. Any conviction for a drug crime can lead to deportation from the US. The fourth category is crimes involving guns. Carrying a concealed weapon or brandishing a firearm can result in deportation if convicted. Any criminal conviction involving the use of a gun will get you deported. The fifth category is domestic violence crimes. This includes any form of domestic violence, including child abuse or violating a restraining order. Conviction for domestic violence can also lead to deportation. It's important to be aware of these categories of deportable crimes and their potential consequences if you find yourself facing a criminal conviction.
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Ilrc crimes chart 2025 Form: What You Should Know
Relief Chart: Eligibility for Immigration Relief Despite a Conviction for a Crime of Violence This guide focuses on certain convictions in California, although the same arguments can apply to other jurisdictions.  In addition, this is an example of what may happen in court after someone has won a judgment against a particular government entity. Dec 13, 2025 — This guide to relief that is available includes, but is not limited to: 1. Existing Relief : the applicant can receive a preliminary review, the defendant can be released without bail or even the charges of the case can be dropped, or other conditions can be imposed on them that do not affect the right to remain in the United States 2.
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